Sunday, November 19, 2006

Congregation - Associate Degree in EPC [Warning Image Heavy - Beware 56k users]

All photos are organized in a way that suits your eyes!

Before the ceremony

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Me and My Aunt! Nothing to say!

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Me and My Boss. I really want to thank him for being the photographer of the day!

During the ceremony

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My Boss take this photo for me. Of course if he wasn't a CityU staff he could be warned by the staff nearby! (Image is somewhat broken due to upload)

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Me and my grandpa! He look nice on that day

After the ceremony

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A few more pictures here with my grandpa, uncle, aunt and my boss!

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A little joke here! My grandpa wears the hat of mine!


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Dr. Mary Tsang and i, she currently teaches us English for Management in the workpace. (EB 3010)

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Mr. Gary Walder and i. He taught me Building a Professional Image before (about Public Relations and job hunting). It's sad that he will be leaving LS.

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Dr. Paul Corrigan and i. He taught me English in Business Context II, which is about Business writing. He is also teaching me now as lecturer for the course English for International Corporate Communication I. Thanks Paul.

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Mr. Dominic Wu and i. Previously, he taught me Intercultural Communication and now he is my dissertation supervisor. He is very busy because he is also supervising a EPC Final year Project group and doing his doctorate degree.

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Mr. Paul Lam and i. He didn't taught me before but he now teaches me as i tutor for the English for International Corporate Communication I course.


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The first friends that i came across were my Cabinet mate, Sa and his girlfriend Pauline. If i was to say that he was the second most handsome guy in the cabinet nobody would dare to claim first. But i would say i am the second-most handsome guy in the cabinet (knowing that there were only 2 boys in the 14th English Society cabinet =.=)
And thks Pauline for ur comment of me being a nice guy.

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If i am to find a successor to Alex Fong, the swimming prince (Yes i am serious). I would say this guy is really his successor. Mr. Chung. He had won lots of athelete awards. (he used to call me "brother" (大佬), but i dunno if i could accept that)

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My friends Anthony (Left) and Bryant (Right). They both have very different paths. But they will always be my friends.

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O, if u dunno who this guy is i will tell u. He is actually the welfare secretary in the SU cabinet when i am in the English Society. Too bad he had to do the job of sports secretary =.=. (I also feel pity for him too)

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This is Mona, she is also my schoolmate and groupmate at EICC.

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Clara and Sandy, they had been good groupmates of T01 Year 1 AAEPC. Glad that they graduated. Also note that Clara (the girl on the right) is my EICC groupmate.

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My next cabinet members, Dicky (Left) and Jessie (Right). Hopefullt i could get them all for a photo.

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Above them all is my two groupmates, Jessica and Polly (the little girl one is Jessica and the other one is Polly). Looks like they had a nice day. But i felt sorry for Jessica who lost her phone while she posted something at CityU's democracy board.

Damn i saw lotsa advertisement about people losing their stuff ranging from Mobile phones to Shoes to even Cons. Had CityU became a place full of theives? Man stop this. If i found a guy stealing i will bash him st in the face.

(P.S. Once again i want to give my utmost gratitude to my boss, Dr. Ron Kwok, assistant professor at the Department of Information Systems, for being a day-long photographer, thanks!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A bit of update abt myself

School News
Homework lotsa homework
Nightmare big nightmare

I had 2 assignments due in Week 11 + 2 in Week 13

I had 2 friends now but they scored less than i do in an assignment. I got 72% and they were like 6x% and 5X%. I felt that i am guilty for their low scores.

World of Warcraft News
Anyway, i got my new look for WOW. My Paladin is starting to rock. Yea, Consecrate them all.

Hunter is getting worse becauz everyone had a hunter. Besides, it's becoming a material gatherer for Paladinx's work. It's good.

Ace Combat News
Yo Ace Combat X i nearly finished playing it. Go Gryphus 1.

Not much plane, i wish they implement AC5 + AC0 system together. Involve bombers and bomb them =.=

I will post a special article about AC once i had time.