Friday, April 28, 2006

Eric - a Public Nuisance

Can't believe this guy is gay - just because he couldn't get a girlfriend
Shut up and stop being a child - i didn't have a girlfriend either but "my life must go on"

Anyway, i couldn't believe that he had sex. And the worst part was that the hospital didn't accept his blood. So he bulge on and on about this. Stop it, you are making yourself the enemy of the public. Everybdy is gonna hate you. You are making yourself an easy target.

Damn the worst thing was that he retaliated on a girl. What a son of a bitch. I wonder if the God sent someone to get him! As a knight faithful to the lord, i believed he should be cleansed with my blade, da.................

Anyway, welcome back Ass Unknown (I just found my pwd and login name =.=)